Kaifeng City

Henan Guangyuan Survey Planning and Design Co., Ltd. 51% state-owned equity public transfer project

Post time: 2024-02-23 15:36:50 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network


Object name

Henan Guangyuan survey planning and design Co., LTD51% state-owned equity

Transfer reserve price (Yuan)


Listing period

20 working days

Listing start date


Location of the target enterprise

Henan Province- Kaifeng City

Listing expiration date


 一、 The transferor undertakes

The transferor intends to transfer the property rights of the target enterprise, and entrusts Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center to publicly disclose the property rights transfer information and organize trading activities。Make the following commitments in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness, justice and good faith:

1. The ownership of the subject of this property right transfer is clear,We have the full disposition of the property right and the transfer of the property right is not prohibited or restricted by any laws and regulations;Assignment of title for creation of security interest,Conform to the relevant provisions of our guarantee law;Involving matters of government social public administration,It has been submitted to relevant government departments for examination and approval according to law。

2. This transfer is a genuine expression of our will, the relevant actions have been carried out the corresponding procedures, through effective internal decision-making, and obtained the appropriate approval。

3. We haveCarefully consider what the transfer act may lead toBusiness operation, industry, market, policy and other unpredictable risk factors,愿意Assume what may exist一切Transaction risk。

4. The Property Rights Transfer Information Disclosure Announcement and the attachments submitted by us are true, complete, legal and effective, without false records, misleading statements or major omissions。

5. We have fully understood and committed to abide by relevant laws and regulations and relevant transaction rules and regulations in the process of property rights transfer, and fulfill our obligations in accordance with relevant requirements。

6. Where other shareholders of the target enterprise do not waive the right of preemption, we promise that we have fulfilled the obligation to notify and consult other shareholders, andannouncementAs ofWithin five days信息Announcement contentExercise periodMethods and consequences, etcInform others股东

We promise to abide by the above commitments, if there is any violation of the above commitments or other illegal or irregular behavior, which causes losses to the relevant parties of the transaction, we are willing to bear the corresponding legal responsibilities。


2. Basic information of the subject matter of the transfer


Target enterprise


Henan Guangyuan survey planning and design Co., LTD



Target enterprise

Basic situation

Place of registration (residence)

Henan pilot Free Trade Zone Kaifeng area Zhengkai AvenueRoom 209, Block A, Free Trade Building 296



Legal representative

Zhou Yulong

Date of establishment

August 3, 2020



Registered capital



Paid-in capital





Economic type

□ Wholly state-owned company (enterprise)/wholly state-owned enterprise

 State-owned holding enterprise

□ State-owned institutions, state-owned associations, etc

□ State-owned enterprises under actual control

□ State-owned equity enterprises

□ 其他



Type of enterprise

Other limited liability companies


Science and technology extension and application services



Number of employees




Whether it contains land allocated by the state



Unify the social credit code or organization code







Scale of operation




Business scope

Permitted project: construction engineering survey;Construction project design;Construction project quality inspection;Construction project supervision;Engineering cost consulting business;Geological disaster control engineering design;Geological disaster control engineering survey;Various engineering construction activities;Supervision of cultural relics protection projects;Investigation of cultural relics protection projects;Hydraulic engineering quality inspection;Construction supervision of water conservancy projects (projects subject to approval according to law,Business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments,The specific business projects are subject to the approval documents or license certificates of the relevant departments. General projects: water environmental pollution prevention services;Water pollution control;Land consolidation services;Water conservancy related consulting services;Planning and design management;Hydrological services;Soil pollution control and remediation services;Basic geological exploration;Water resources management;Soil erosion control services;Landscaping engineering construction;Geological exploration technical services;Soil environmental pollution control services;Technical service, technology development, technology consultation, technology exchange, technology transfer, technology dissemination;Project management services;Information technology consulting services;Information consulting services (excluding licensed information consulting services);Labor service (excluding labor dispatch);Environmental advisory services (except for projects subject to approval by law,Independently carry out business activities according to law with business license)



Whether the other shareholders give up the right of preferential transfer



Whether the management of the enterprise participates in the transfer



No staff placement is involved



The actual control of the target enterprise is transferred



Names of the top ten shareholders

Holding ratio



1.Henan comprehensive land development Co., LTD




2.Henan exhibition road engineering survey Co., LTD
























Primary finance


     2023  Annual audit report data (ten thousand yuan)


Operating income

Operating profit

Gross profit

Net profit







Total assets

Total liabilities

Owner's equity






Audit institution

Henan Yixin Accounting Firm (General Partnership)


 2023 12  31  Daily financial statement (ten thousand yuan)


Operating income

Operating profit

Gross profit

Net profit







Total assets

Total liabilities

Owner's equity






Evaluation agency

Beijing Asia Pacific Lianhua Assets Appraisal Co., LTD


Approval (filing) authority

Kaifeng City state-owned capital operation Group Co., LTD


Approval (filing) date

February 22, 2024


Appraisal base date

December 31, 2023



Book value

Appraised value


Total assets (ten thousand yuan)




Total liabilities (ten thousand yuan)




Production (ten thousand yuan)




The evaluation value of the subject matter transferred

-83.570,000 yuan (in words: RMB minus 835,700)


Legal opinion issuing agency

Henan Wanxiang Law Firm


Internal deliberations



Other disclosures

If the transfer of property rights causes the state-funded enterprise and its subsidiaries to lose the actual control of the target enterprise,After the completion of the transaction, the target enterprise shall not continue to use intangible assets such as the name, business qualification and franchise right of the state-funded enterprise and its subsidiaries,Shall not continue to carry out business activities in the name of a subsidiary enterprise of a state-funded enterprise。



3. Basic information of the transferor

Basic situation

Name of the transferor

Henan comprehensive land development Co., LTD

Place of registration(住所)

South of the east section of Bianjing Road, Dongjiao Township, Shunhe Hui District, Kaifeng City, Henan ProvinceNo.10 (Office Building of Kaifeng Shunfa Investment Co., LTD.)

Economic type

□ State-owned assets regulatory agencies/government departments

 Wholly state-owned company (enterprise)/ wholly owned state-owned enterprises

□ State-owned holding enterprises

□ State-owned institutions, state-owned associations, etc

□ State-owned enterprises under actual control

□ State-owned equity enterprises

Legal representative

Su Wulin

Date of establishment

April 15, 2020

Registered capital



Paid-in capital



Type of enterprise

State holding


Land management

Unify the social credit code or organization code


Scale of operation

 □  中□


holdingsProportion of (shares) rights


Property to be transferredProportion of (shares) rights


Contact person






Property rights transfer behavior decision and approval

State assets regulator

□ Supervision by SASAC of The State Council □ Supervision by other central ministries and commissions

□ Supervision by Provincial SASAC □ Supervision by other provincial departments

 Municipal supervision by state-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission    □ Supervision by other municipal departments

□ 其他             

Name of state-funded enterprise or competent department

Kaifeng state-owned capital investment Operation Group Co., LTD

Unify the social credit code or organization code


Type of decision document of the transferor

 Resolution of the shareholders' meeting         Board resolution   

 General manager office meeting resolution  □ 其他         

Name of approved entity

Kaifeng state资产投资经营Group company limited

Date of approval

January 16, 2024

Type of resolution document of the approving unit

□ Resolutions of the shareholders' meeting □ Resolutions of the Board of directors      

批复                     General manager office meeting resolution  


Resolution document name

Regarding the Henan All-Domain Land Comprehensive Development Co., LTD51% of Henan Guangyuan Survey Planning and Design Co., Ltd. for public transfer of equity "approval

4. Transaction conditions and qualification conditions of the transferee

The following conditions are the basic conditions for the transfer and are the necessary terms of the property rights transaction contract。The intended transferee's intention to transfer shall meet these conditions, which may be refined and supplemented on the premise that the conditions are not lower than the standards determined by the conditions, and the contents superior to the basic conditions shall be regarded as an integral part of the transfer document and the property rights transaction contract。




Object name

Henan Guangyuan survey planning and design Co., LTD51%股权

Transfer reserve price


Method of payment

Lump sum payment     

Payment by instalment is required


Related to the transfer

Other conditions

If the transfer of property rights causes the state-funded enterprise and its subsidiaries to lose the actual control of the target enterprise,After the completion of the transaction, the target enterprise shall not continue to use intangible assets such as the name, business qualification and franchise right of the state-funded enterprise and its subsidiaries,Shall not continue to carry out business activities in the name of a subsidiary enterprise of a state-funded enterpriseAnd in the transaction contractIndustrial and commercial change, change of name and other arrangements to make corresponding agreements



Qualification condition

(1) The transferee is a natural person with full capacity for civil conduct or an organization with independent legal status;

2, the transferee must be a single investment entity, not a consortium, anonymous entrustment, trust registration;

3Other conditions stipulated by state laws and administrative regulations。

Security deposit



Payment amount

Set as       0.05        万元

Payment time

Due within the notice period




5. Information Disclosure period

Information disclosure

Announcement period

As of the date of announcement  二十    Working day

Information mantleExpiration, if not collected

Intended transferee

□ Information Cap终结。

 Extended information wrapper

Letter of no change,按照     One working day for a cycle extension,

£Until a prospective transferee is gathered   

□ Maximum extension    Cycle (choose one of two)。

□ Change the announcement content and apply for a new information package



6. Bidding method


Information mantleAfter the expiration of the bidding period, if two or more qualified intended transferees are collected, the following bidding methods are selected:


□ Bidding


In the case that the original shareholder has not waived the right of preemption, if only the solicitationIf a qualified non-original shareholder intends to transferee, it will no longer organize the above bidding activities, and the intended transferee will make an offer separately, and consult the original shareholder whether to exercise the preemption right at this price。




Main contents of Bidding, Property Rights Transaction Contract to be Signed





Risk warning

The above information comes from the information provided by the transferor, please the intended transferee to carry out necessary investigation and verification, the trading institution does not make any commitment and guarantee for the disclosure of the above information。

Trading center

Contact information

Contact person

Acceptance organization department

Contact number



Fifth floor, Kaifeng Citizen's Home

Registration time

From the date of the announcement to2024-3-21 17:00:00止Interested bidders (including the priority person) must submit the bid application within the announcement period and pay the security deposit as required by the announcement (subject to the bank account, please use myself/ Unit account)。Those who fail to apply for bidding and pay the deposit within the time limit shall be deemed to have given up their intention to bid。

Special statement:

1. According to the relevant laws and regulations of China, the entrusting Party shall truthfully disclose the project information as required, and be responsible for the authenticity, integrity and effectiveness of the disclosed information。Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center Co., Ltd. shall not bear any legal responsibility for the information disclosed by the entrusting party and its consequences。

2. The project information released by Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center Co., Ltd. through its own website and related media does not constitute any transaction proposal of Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center Co., Ltd. for any project。The interested Party shall not rely on the above disclosed information and shall conduct the necessary due diligence and full understanding of the relevant circumstances of the project on its own,Make a full assessment of whether to accept the project and the possible costs and risks after accepting the project,And bear all risks independently,Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center Co., Ltd. does not bear any legal responsibility for this。

3. If there is any ambiguity in the understanding of the project information disclosed on the website of Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center Co., LTD. (including but not limited to the transaction conditions, qualification conditions, and relevant information having a significant impact on the project transaction, etc.), the relevant contents of the transaction contract finally signed by the parties shall prevail。

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Technical support:Zhengzhou Xinyuan Information Technology Co., LTD