Culture of clean government

Marx and Engels thought of clean government

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    □ Ding Junping

  Abstract: The issue of fighting corruption and advocating integrity is related to the future and destiny of Marxist political parties and socialism。Marx and Engels in the establishment and development of scientific socialism in the process,In guiding the construction of the proletarian party,In focusing on the Paris Commune revolution, especially in summing up the experience and lessons of the Paris Commune,This paper deeply discusses the problem that the proletarian party and the state should oppose corruption and practice clean politics,Formed the basic idea of anti-corruption。Its basic point of view is: the root cause of corruption is private ownership,The fundamental way to eliminate corruption lies in eliminating private ownership,Establish public ownership;The nature of the proletarian party is selfless,The government of the proletariat should be a cheap government;Due to the influence of various factors inside and outside the party,There will also be irregularities and corruption within the proletarian parties,Corruption and corruption must be combated;After the proletariat has taken power, it is necessary to prevent state organs and public officials from changing from "social servants" to "social masters".。Although Marx and Engels only put forward some big principles and ideas for the proletarian party and the national anti-corruption construction, they laid the ideological and theoretical foundation for the later Marxist party construction, especially the Marxist ruling party's anti-corruption construction。 

  Key words: Marx;Engels;Clean government;thought

  Corruption is a kind of political behavior dependent on power。Corruption is the phenomenon that those who hold certain public power abuse public power to seek improper personal gains and harm public interests。Corruption is the product of the abuse of power, and the essence of corruption is the abuse of power。Corruption will not only lead to the alienation and deterioration of power, and make public power evolve into private power, but also will inevitably seriously violate the public interest, thereby causing public dissatisfaction, and then threaten social and political stability, and even endanger the political power。Although corruption is an inevitable phenomenon in the society where private ownership still exists, it is impossible to eliminate it fundamentally, but the serious harm of corruption forces people to oppose corruption, do everything possible to curb corruption, and call for and advocate clean government。

  Integrity is a political behavior and phenomenon contrary to corruption. People and groups in charge of public power abide by their duties and norms and do not seek private gains with public power。Being a clean and honest politician is the social code of conduct, standard of conduct and moral requirements for politicians, and clean politics is the basic goal that human society has been pursuing relentlessly。Since the clean politics of the whole society can only be established on the basis of the general clean politics of the politicians, therefore, the pursuit of clean politics must vigorously advocate the clean politics of the politicians。

  Combating corruption and advocating integrity is not only a historical problem, but also a worldwide problem。For Marxist political parties, especially Marxist ruling parties, the issue of anti-corruption and advocating integrity is very important, it relates to the future and destiny of the party and socialism。Therefore, in guiding the construction of the working class political party, the founders of Marxism and their successors have a lot of profound elaboration on the issue of anti-corruption and advocating integrity, and have formed a wealth of ideas on anti-corruption and advocating integrity, which provides a powerful theoretical weapon for the construction of Marxist political parties, especially the construction of the ruling party。

  Marx and Engels' basic thought of fighting corruption and advocating integrity was formed gradually in the process of founding and developing scientific socialism, in the process of guiding the construction of proletarian political parties, in the process of paying attention to the Paris Commune revolution, especially in summing up the experience and lessons of the Paris Commune。According to Marx and Engels' works and letters and other documents, we can see that Marx and Engels' ideas of anti-corruption mainly include the following aspects:

  First, reveal that the root cause of corruption is private ownership,

  It points out that the fundamental way to eliminate corruption lies in eliminating private ownership and establishing public ownership


  Before the birth of Marxism, utopian socialists had fiercely criticized the problem of social corruption and deeply exposed its roots。Moore believes that private property is an unjust system, resulting in luxury and corruption for the few and poverty for the majority。"The bourgeoisie is so greedy and savage that it eats people."。According to Campanella, selfishness is "the root of all evil."。Weinstein Lay believes that private property is the result of greed and selfishness stifling reason and justice, and advocates "driving out of creation this accursed thing called private property.。According to Morelli, private property is the mother of all evils, the cause of all political and moral evils。In capitalist society, according to Saint-Simon, "greed has become the dominant feeling in everyone."。Irving argued that private property "has been and is the source of countless crimes and calamities committed by men."。Private ownership produces egoism, turning the rich into "beasts in clothes"。Weitling pointed out that money corrupts civil servants, turns heroes into bears, and makes the powerful fawning on it。The record criticism of social corruption by Utopian socialists and the profound disclosure of its root provided important ideological materials for Marx and Engels' thought of anti-corruption and advocating integrity。

  Marx and Engels agree with the above revelation of the relationship between private property and corruption in Utopian socialism, and also point out that corruption is a companion of private property。They believe that in primitive society, productivity is low, there is no private ownership and private concept, there is no public power divorced from the common interests of the nation, clan leaders are social servants, there is no corruption。Due to the development of productive forces and the differentiation of the social division of labor, people's "humble selfish desires" have emerged, and there have been privatization of wealth and privatization of public power。Those who have always been "public" clan leaders and family heads use their management and distribution of public property, and gradually embezzle or "corrupt" public property and own it。In a specific sense, private property, which initially changed from public property to the foundation stone of civilization, is the first batch of stolen goods seized by the corrupt。Corruption is first of all a companion of private ownership。[1]10-11

  Marx and Engels wrote: "Ever since the emergence of class antagonisms, it is the evil passions of man - greed and power - that have become the levers of historical development, and the history of, for example, feudalism and the bourgeoisie is a unique and continuous proof of this。[2]237 "The age of civilization accomplished by this basic institution what the ancient gentile society was completely unable to do.。But it does this by arousing the basest impulses and passions of men, and aggravating them at the expense of all their other endowments。Vulgar greed has been the driving soul of civilization from the first days of its existence to the present day;Wealth, wealth, and third, wealth - not the wealth of society, but the wealth of this insignificant individual - is the only decisive end of civilization。”[2]177

  Marx and Engels believed that it is private ownership that makes any ruling class in class society inherently greedy。"In the past, all classes, after winning domination, always subordinated the whole of society to the conditions of their prosperity, in an attempt to consolidate the position of life which they had already acquired。[3] The "officials of these classes, being in charge of public power and taxation, are above society as organs of society.。The free, voluntary respect which men once had for the organs of the gentile system could not have satisfied them, had they been able to obtain it;As representatives of the forces of social alienation, they must be respected by a special law, by virtue of which they enjoy a special sacred and inviolable position。”[3]172

  According to Marx and Engels, corruption and privilege are accompanied by private ownership, which leads to the alienation of public power. In the class society based on private ownership, corruption is inevitable。In capitalist society, the social system of exploitation of the vast majority by a very small number of people has enabled the economic prosperity and wealth of the entire bourgeoisie to reach unprecedented levels, and has also enabled corruption and theft to develop to a greater extent。The state power under the system of exploitation becomes the hotbed of all dirty things。They "went from being servants of society to being masters of society in pursuit of their own special interests."。Examples of this can be found in both absolute monarchies and bourgeois states that practice democracy and republicanism。In the United States, politicians make up a more special and powerful segment of the population。Each of the two major parties, which alternated in power, was again run by men who turned politics into a business, trading seats in the Federal and state legislatures for speculative profit, or living on behalf of their party's agitation, and obtaining office in return for their victory。This allows people "to see most clearly.,How the state power, which should only serve as an instrument of society, becomes independent from society ";To see two gangs of political speculators "take turns in power,The dirtiest of means for the meanest of ends,...These people are ostensibly serving the nation,In fact, it is the domination and plunder of the people "[4]12。Marx and Engels pointed out,Because such state power is supported by society,At the same time, it is the dominant force in society,因此,The bourgeois revolution alone cannot eliminate corruption,Private property can only be abolished by violent revolution,Establish a communist system based on public ownership,To finally eliminate corruption。"The Communists can sum up their theory in one sentence: the abolition of private property。[3]286

  Marx and Engels highly valued the role of violent revolution in social change,At the same time, it highly appraises the role of the social communal system of the means of production established through the proletarian revolution in the development of production, the elimination of corruption, the promotion of economic and social progress and the all-round development of human beings,Violent revolution is the midwife of every old society that gives birth to the new society,It is a tool by which social movements can carve their own path and destroy rigid and dying political forms。[4] The violent revolution of the proletariat to abolish private property, to free the means of production from the fetters imposed on it by the capitalist mode of production, "is the only prerequisite for the continuous and accelerating development of the productive forces, and therefore for the practically unlimited growth of production itself.。But it doesn't stop there。The social appropriation of the means of production will not only remove the existing artificial obstacles to production, but will also eliminate the physical waste and destruction of the productive forces and products, and will also save the whole society a great deal of the means of production and products by eliminating the extravagant extravagance of the present ruling class and its political representatives。Through social production, it is possible not only to ensure to all members of society an abundant and increasingly abundant material life, but also to ensure to them the full and free development and use of their physical and intellectual strength. "[4]757。It is clear that, in Marx and Engels' view, the abolition of private property and its replacement with public ownership is a prerequisite for the elimination of artificial obstacles to the development of productive forces, the elimination of waste and destruction of productive forces and products, and the fundamental way to eliminate corruption。

  In this way, Marx and Engels not only revealed the source of corruption in human society, but also pointed out the prerequisite and fundamental way for the elimination of corruption in human society。

  Second, the nature of the proletarian party is selfless, and the proletarian government should be a cheap government

  Marx and Engels pointed out in the Communist Manifesto that the working class is the product of big industry itself。With the development of industry, its power is growing day by day。"Of all the classes currently opposed to the bourgeoisie, only the working class is truly revolutionary。[3]282 "All movements in the past were movements of the minority or for the benefit of the minority。The movement of the proletariat is the movement of the great majority, for the benefit of the great majority。[3] The Communist Party is the vanguard of the proletariat; "they have no interests different from those of the proletariat as a whole.。"They do not propose any particular principles by which the movement of the proletariat can be shaped。”[3]285

  According to Marx and Engels, the nature of the proletariat and its party is not only selfless, but the proletariat and its party also take the elimination of private property and its associated social injustices, including corruption, as their basic goal。For the political power established by the working class after it has won the dominant position is also fundamentally different from all previous political power which was above society and opposed to the people; it is based on the public ownership of the means of production。"All the privileges and perks enjoyed by the former high officials of the state have disappeared with the disappearance of the figures themselves。Public office is no longer the private property of central government servants "[4]55, but is truly capable of social functions, of serving all the people of the state, for the benefit of the working people and for the complete emancipation。

  In summarizing the experience of the Paris Commune, Marx further elaborated the idea that the government of the working class is the real "cheap government"。The real secret of the commune lies in the fact that it is essentially the government of the working class, the product of the struggle of the producers against the class of the possessor, the political form which has at last been discovered to emancipate Labour economically。[4]58 believes that "the commune can certainly exempt the peasants from the blood tax and can give them a cheap government." [4]62。

  Marx and Engels said that the nature of the proletarian party is selfless,The proletarian regime should be a cheap government,From the perspective of class attribute and political power attribute of proletarian party,It reveals the internal basis that the proletarian party and state can and should carry out anti-corruption and advocate integrity, win the victory of anti-corruption and maintain integrity。


  Third, due to the influence of various factors inside and outside the party, within the proletarian party


  There will also be irregularities and corruption, which must therefore be combated


  Marx and Engels emphasized that the nature of the working class party is selfless and the working class regime is cheap government, which is said in its essence, but it does not mean that they themselves will not appear corruption。On the contrary, they believe that due to the influence of various factors, corruption and irregularities also inevitably arise within the proletarian party and State, and that it is necessary to fight against them。


  Aimed at the prevailing corruption and philistinism in the party at that time,Marx and Engels stressed the need to wage the most ruthless struggle,It also analyzes the reasons for the degeneration of some people in the Communist Party: first, the bourgeoisie, which surrounds the Communist Party from the outside, tries its best to influence the Communist Party with its ideology and lifestyle;Second, some small producers and other non-proletariat born who join the Communist Party want to influence and transform the Party with their ideology and appearance,Erosion of the party body,Corrupted the ethos of the Party,The corrupt atmosphere and Philistine atmosphere of the society also appeared in the party;The third is the purchase of the upper echelons of the working class parties by the bourgeoisie,It turned some people into a bourgeois working-class aristocracy。Since corruption and philistinism in the Communist Party inevitably appear and exist, and they inevitably erode the Party's body, the Party's struggle against these corruption and philistinism is inevitable。Engels said, "It seems that a workers' party in any large country can develop only through internal struggle, which is in accordance with the general law of dialectical development.。[2] In order to maintain the vanguard character of the working class party and prevent the Communist Party from becoming corrupt, it is necessary to strengthen party building and resolutely oppose corruption and bourgeois and petty-bourgeois style of thinking。In this way, Marx and Engels demonstrated the necessity and importance of the proletarian party's fight against corruption。


  In terms of ways and measures to prevent the deterioration of corruption in the party,Marx and Engels mainly put forward the following five aspects of thought: First, strict conditions for joining the party,The idea was to recruit people from other classes into the party,They must abandon the old world view,Not to bring into the party remnants of bourgeois and petty-bourgeois thinking and style;Second, we must carry out ideological struggle within the Party,Oppose the corrosion and influence of bourgeois ideology on the Party;The third is to dare to publicly reject corrupt elements,We will resolutely purge corrupt elements from the Party,We must not tolerate any corrupt elements to run amok in the Party;Fourth, strict conditions for leading Party cadres。Engels pointed out: "In our party,Everyone should start out as a soldier;To hold a responsible position in the party,Only writing talent and theoretical knowledge,Even if they do,It's not enough,A responsible position also requires familiarity with the conditions of the Party's struggle,Get used to this way of fighting,Proven loyalty and strength of character,Finally, he must voluntarily put himself into the ranks of the warriors."。[2] The fifth is to promote intra-party democracy, oppose individual dictatorship and superstition, and oppose singing praises and celebrating birthdays for Party leaders。Marx and Engels advocated that the supreme power of the Party be handed over to the Party congress,Party members and the masses can supervise leaders extensively,Be bold in criticizing those charged with leadership,And don't be too polite to party officials,Don't think of them as perfect officials,Do not submit to those officials who go against the principles of the Party,Instead, criticize and monitor them regularly。

  Marx and Engels' thoughts on ways and measures to prevent the deterioration of corruption in the Party, although some expressions have the color of that time, but its basic principles and spirit still have strong practical significance。 

  After the proletariat has taken power, it must be prevented 

  State organs and public officials have changed from "public servants" to "social masters"

  Due to the reasons of The Times, Marx and Engels did not have the experience of ruling the proletarian party, but in their summary of the experience of the Paris Commune, they put forward the important idea of preventing the state organs and public officials from becoming "social servants" into "social masters" after the proletariat gained power。

  The Paris Commune Revolution, which broke out in March 1871, established the first working class regime in human history。In the two months after the establishment of the Paris Commune, many important measures of far-reaching influence were carried out,This included the declaration that the Commune Committee was the only authority to replace the old government,10 new committees to replace the ministries of the former government;Abolish conscription and the standing army,Declares that the National Guard, with the workers as its main body, is the only armed force;Implement a democratic system that combines democratic election with mass supervision;Abolish high pay,A system of part-time jobs without concurrent pay will be implemented。The commune also issued a series of laws to protect workers。These measures provided valuable experience for the construction of proletarian political power and enriched and developed the scientific socialist theory。The measures taken by the Paris Commune in the construction of the regime show that this is a new regime, the people are the masters of the state, and the public officials are the servants of the society。Although the Paris Commune failed under the suppression of the reactionaries, the spirit of the Commune is eternal, and the historical merits of the Commune cannot be erased。As Marx said, "The workers' Paris and its commune will always be celebrated as the glorious forerunner of a new society.。Its heroes are forever imprinted in the great hearts of the working class。”[4]81

  Marx had been concerned about the Paris Commune revolution, and only two days after the defeat of the Paris Commune, Marx read his work "The French Civil War" for the Paris Commune to the General Committee of the International Workers' Association。Engels thought this highlighted Marx's amazing ability "to grasp accurately the nature, meaning and necessary consequences of great historical events while they are still unfolding before our eyes or have just ended". [4]1。In The French Civil War, Marx refuted all kinds of slander against the Commune by the bourgeoisie, exposed the brutal crimes committed by the bourgeois government against the proletariat in Paris, warmly eulogized the immortal achievements of the Commune, and comprehensively summarized the great creation and positive and negative experiences of the Commune。In summarizing the experience of the Paris Commune, Marx pointed out that "the commune fulfilled the slogan of cheap government that all bourgeois revolutions put forward" and "the commune laid the foundation for a truly democratic system in the republic.。But neither cheap government nor a "true republic" is its ultimate goal, but only its companion。The real secret of the commune is that it is essentially the government of the working class, the product of the struggle of the producer class against the possessor class, the political form which has at last been discovered and which can emancipate Labour economically。”[4]58

  Marx, in the Civil War in France, examines the actions of the Commune in the construction of state power, and points out that in order to prevent the state and its organs from changing from servant to master of society, as is inevitable in all States up to now, the commune has adopted two reliable methods。First, it places in the hands of persons elected by universal suffrage all positions of administration, justice, and national education, and provides that the electors may at any time replace the elected。Second, it pays all civil servants, regardless of rank, the same wages as other workers。The highest salary ever paid by the commune was 6,000 francs。In addition, the decrees issued by the commune also stipulated that the public officials of the commune preferred not to enjoy any privileges, were not allowed to ride luxurious bridge carriages, officers were forbidden to abuse military horses, and it was forbidden to use their power to live in high buildings without compensation。"In this way, even if the commune does not issue additional power of attorney to the representatives of the representative bodies, it can reliably prevent people from seeking promotion and wealth.。[4] It is on the basis of summarizing the experience of the Paris Commune that Marx comprehensively elaborated the idea that the proletariat should prevent from changing from "social servant" to "social master" after gaining power。Its main contents include: the system of universal suffrage on the election of national public officials, the system of supervision and dismissal of national public officials by the masses, the system of workers' wages, and the system of government that combines the government's legislative and executive functions。

  First, universal suffrage must be implemented for the election of public officials。

  Unlike the former exploiting class states, where officials were appointed by rank, the public officials of the Paris Commune were elected by universal suffrage。Marx described the electoral system of the Paris Commune, pointing out that the commune was composed of municipal commissioners elected by universal suffrage in the districts of Paris, who were responsible and could be removed at any time。Most of its members are naturally workers, or recognized representatives of the working class。Universal suffrage is not to decide once every three or six years which member of the ruling class shall be the false representative of the people in parliament, but to serve the people organized in the commune, just as individual choice serves any employer who recruits workers and managers for his enterprise。Businesses, like individuals, generally know how to use the right people in the right places in their actual business activities and correct mistakes immediately。[4] With universal suffrage, the people elect those they trust to public office and place them in appropriate positions。Since the communes had measures for their removal at any time, the people could remove them at any time if they were found to be incompetent。In short, the complete elimination of the state hierarchy by the working class regime, and the introduction of universal suffrage instead of rank appointment, are important measures to correct errors and prevent corruption, and are the first condition for maintaining public officials as servants of the people and not as lords who ride over their heads。

  Second, it is about the supervision system and dismissal system of public officials by the people。

  Public officials in the proletarian state must be subject to the supervision of the people and can be removed at any time。The people have the right to supervise and remove public officials, which is the key to ensuring that the people are masters of the country and preventing state organs and public officials from becoming "social servants" into "social masters"。To this end, the Paris Commune took many measures to ensure。For example, the contents of the commune committee and its subordinate committees should be publicly publicized and published in newspapers so that the masses can be informed of the decisions of the commune in a timely manner。Commune committees and leaders at all levels also regularly participate in voters' meetings, mass gatherings and club activities, and regularly report on their work to voters, answer their queries and listen to their opinions。The commune also established mass supervision organizations in the grass-roots organizations and units。Any public official found to be derelict or incompetent shall be removed or replaced at any time。

  Marx and Engels fully affirmed the practice of the Paris Commune on the supervision system and the recall system, and believed that public officials elected by universal suffrage to serve in appropriate posts could be recalled at any time。All public servants "shall henceforth be elected, accountable, and subject to removal" [4]56。"Every representative can be removed at any time and is bound by a limited power of attorney (formal order) given to him by his constituents。[4] Marx wrote: "The hierarchy of the state was completely eliminated, and the old men who rode over the heads of the people were replaced by servants who could be removed at any time, and the false system of responsibility was replaced by a real system of responsibility, since these civil servants always carried out their work under public supervision.。”[4]96


  In Marx and Engels' view, it is necessary to let all people exercise the function of supervision, make all people become "bureaucrats", and eventually eliminate the bureaucracy and develop in the direction of people's management system。In order to exercise the function of supervision effectively, it is necessary to provide the people with the right to recall, and the working class "must also ensure that it is able to defend itself against its representatives and officials, that is, by declaring that they can be removed at any time without exception" [4]12。Because of the public's supervision of the work of the public officials of the state, and because the masses can dismiss them at any time, the public officials of the state power dare not and cannot "change from public servants to masters of the society in order to pursue their own special interests" like in the old country [4]12。In other words, the implementation of this supervision system and dismissal system is an important measure to correct mistakes and prevent corruption, and an important condition for maintaining public officials as servants of the people rather than masters who ride on the head of the people。


  Third, the workers' wage system for public officials。


  Marx and Engels spoke highly of the wage system of public officials and workers in the Paris Commune, pointing out: "From the commune members, from the top down, all public officials can only receive remuneration equivalent to the wages of workers.。All the privileges and perks once enjoyed by high ranking officials have disappeared with the disappearance of the figures themselves。Public office is no longer the preserve of central government minions。[4]57 The Commune "on the one hand outlawed the unproductive activities and misdeeds of state parasites,At the root of the problem, we should eliminate the waste of vast amounts of national products in feeding the monster of the state,On the other hand,The staff of the commune perform the actual administrative functions,Whether it's local or national,Only the wages of the workers。Thus, from the very beginning, the commune not only carried out political reform, but also practiced economy and economic reform。[4] In the view of Marx and Engels,All state employees of the Paris Commune were paid a workers' wage,Economic significance,It makes more political sense,It is more than a mere economic measure and a mere distribution system,It is a political measure of great significance to prevent state organs and their staff from becoming "social servants" into "social masters",It can "reliably prevent people from pursuing promotion and wealth" [4]13,It is a reliable way to prevent the public officials of the state and state organs from becoming "social servants" into "social masters"。[4]13


  Fourth, about the state organs to implement the "unity of action" of the polity。


  Marx and Engels argued that the political power established by the working class after the breaking up of the old state apparatus "must not be parliamentary, but must be a working organ overseeing both the executive and the legislature.。The police shall cease to be an instrument of the central government, but shall become servants of the commune, appointed by the commune like all other civil servants of the executive branch, and may be removed at any time ";"Judges should also be elected, removable, and accountable to voters.。The initiative power in all matters relating to social life is in the hands of the commune。In short, all public offices, even the few functions which belong to the central government, are carried out by the servants of the commune, and are thus under its supervision。"These functions will exist;But the people who exercise these functions are no longer able to place themselves above real society as they did in the old machinery of government."。[4]121 According to Marx and Engels,A system of government that combines the executive and the executive,It not only enabled the Paris Commune, a working class government, to maintain its efficiency in the face of severe objective conditions,"To carry out their work humbly, honestly and effectively under conditions that may be unprecedentedly difficult",The phenomenon of overstaffing and overstaffing has been avoided,And it can effectively prevent corruption,This is because public officials are paid the equivalent of ordinary workers,Make government really a cheap government,It also makes the representative body composed of public officials elected by popular vote, subject to the supervision of the people and removable at any time no longer a "talking shop",It is an institution that is accountable to its constituents。


  Due to the limitations of objective social and historical conditions, Marx and Engels' thoughts on anti-corruption and upholding integrity in the construction of working class political parties mainly came from the reflection on the nature of the working class and its vanguard - the Communist Party, and the thoughts on anti-corruption and clean government construction after the proletariat seized power mainly came from the summary of the experience of the Paris Commune。After all, Marx and Engels did not have the experience of directly leading a proletarian dictatorship,He has no experience in leading the construction of a Marxist ruling party,After all, the Paris Commune, the world's first proletarian regime, lasted only 72 days,Its practice has not yet been fully developed,Its creative initiatives are also too late to be perfected in practice,所以,Marx and Engels on the construction of proletarian political parties against corruption and how to carry out the construction of clean government after the proletariat seized power,Can only come up with some big principles and ideas,It is impossible to systematically expand and comprehensively discuss;Some of their ideas on the construction of clean government, such as specific measures such as all public officials receiving only the salary equivalent to that of ordinary workers,Nor is it entirely appropriate to the reality of the stage of social development we are in today,但是,Their ideas about the ideological struggle to be waged within the proletarian party,The idea of fighting against injustice and corruption,The idea that leading cadres should have higher conditions,The idea that leading cadres should accept supervision,The idea that after the proletariat has seized power, various measures should be taken to prevent state organs and public officials from becoming "social servants" into "social masters",And the measures of principle created by the Paris Commune and summed up by them,All of them are for the later construction of Marxist political parties, especially the anti-corruption construction of Marxist ruling parties,Laid the theoretical foundation,Points the way forward,It still has a strong practical significance,We need to further explore, study and research。


  [1] Dou Xiaomin, Wang Liangqi.History of anti-corruption and upholding integrity in the Communist Party of China [M].Zhengzhou: Zhengzhou University Press, 2006.

  [2] Marx, Engels.Selected Works of Marx and Engels: Volume 4 [M].Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1995.

  [3] Marx, Engels.Selected Works of Marx and Engels: Volume 1 [M].Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1995.

  [4] Marx, Engels.Selected Works of Marx and Engels: Volume 3 [M].Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1995.

  (The author is from the School of Politics and Public Administration, Wuhan University)

From: "Clean Government Culture Research", 2010, No.4


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