
Dingzhai Village, Shawo Township, Qixian County, Kaifeng City, rural public welfare financial Award to supplement the key village project first bid section (two) - bid evaluation publicity

Release time: 2024-09-13 14:03:39 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

Dingzhai Village, Shawo Township, Qixian County, Kaifeng City, Rural Public welfare Financial Award Supplement Key Village project Section 1 (2)

Announcement of candidates for selection

Henan State Control Tendering Co., Ltd. was entrusted by the People's Government of Shawo Township, Qixian County, to open the first bid section (second) of the rural public welfare project of Dingzhai Village, Shawo Township, Qixian County, Kaifeng City20240913Bid opening and evaluation activities were carried out in Qixian Public Resources Trading Center in accordance with the law。The bid evaluation committee has reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the bidding documents, and confirmed by the tenderer, the candidates for this bid selection are publicized as follows:

I. Project overview and bidding scope

1Project name: Dingzhai Village, Shawo Township, Qixian County, Kaifeng City, Rural Public welfare Financial Award Supplement Key Village project Section 1 (2)

2Bidding number: Bianqi tendering and procurement-2024-35

3Source of funds: financial funds

4Construction site:Qixian Shawo township Dingzhai village

5, total investment:4156361.83

6Quality requirements: qualified

7, construction period:120Calendar day

8Bid section division: This project has a total of one bid section;

Section 1: Construction of the key village project of Dingzhai Village, Shawo Township, Qixian County, Kaifeng City

2.9Scope of bidding: all contents contained in bidding documents, construction drawings and bill of quantities;

2.10Determining the winning bidder: This project adopts the evaluation separation method to determine the winning bidder。

2. Bidder qualification requirements

1Have the ability to independently bear civil liability (have a valid business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate or a business license after the combination of three certificates);

2The bidder shall have the third-level (including third-level) or above qualification of the municipal public works construction general contracting issued by the construction administrative department, have an effective safety production license, and have the corresponding construction capacity in terms of personnel, equipment and funds;

3The project manager to be dispatched by the bidder shall be qualified as a registered constructor of municipal public works at Grade II or above and have valid safety production assessment certificate, and shall not be replaced during the bidding and construction process without serving as the project manager of other projects under construction (make a written commitment);

4The technical person to be assigned by the bidder shall have the relevant professional intermediate or above technical title;

5Bidder to sendFull-time safety personnel have effective safety production assessment certificate;

6The bidder intends to assign a project manager, technical leader, authorized client, and other personnel (including but not limited to:Quality (quality inspection) personnel, full-time safety personnel, material personnel, information personnel, construction personnel, etc) Must be an employee of the unit, provide labor contracts and202411Any consecutive day since6Monthly social insurance payment certificate (newly hired personnel shall be counted from the date of employment, and the issuance time shall not be earlier than the announcement time)。

7Financial requirements:Financially sound, provided for nearly three years (2021年度、2022年度2023Annual audited financial report and the credit certificate issued by the basic depository bank within the validity period shall be issued. The newly established company shall be counted from the time of establishment。

8, reputation requirements:

8.1Before the bidding deadline of this project, those who are included in the record list of untrustworthy persons subject to enforcement, major tax law and untrustworthy subjects and government procurement serious illegal and untrustworthy behaviors (the penalty period has not expired) refuse to participate in the bidding activities of this project;The bidder shall use the website of "China Executive Information Disclosure Network" (http://zxgk.court.gov.cn/shixin/Query "trust-breaking person subject to enforcement" (query object: legal person, legal representative, project manager);"Credit China" website(www.creditchina.gov.cn)Query "major tax violation and dishonesty subject" (query object: legal person);China Government Procurement website(www.ccgp.gov.cn)Query the "government procurement serious illegal and dishonest behavior record list" channel to query their own credit records (query object: legal person);

8.2The bidder has been subject to bribery and unfair competition behavior in China Judgment Documents network (inquiry channel: China Judgment Documents network)http://wenshu.court.gov.cn/Its participation in the project bid (inquiry object: legal person, legal representative, project manager)。The bidder has blacklist and bad behavior (inquiry channel: National construction market supervision public service platform)http://jzsc.mohurd.gov.cn/Its participation in the project bid (inquiry object: legal person, project manager)。

The above query content provides webpage query screenshot (need to include the query date, the query date is after the date of the tender announcement);The tenderer shall have the right to review the credit of the bidder, and the tenderer shall have the right to cancel the qualification of winning the bid if any credit problem is found during the period from the registration to the signing of the contract with the tenderer;

9The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units with holding and management relations shall not participate in the bidding of the same tender section project (provide the relevant information queried in the "National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System");

10The project does not accept the bid of the consortium。

11Subcontracting and subcontracting are not allowed for this project。

Number of members of the bid evaluation committee5

Iv. Bid evaluation

4.1Recommended by the bid evaluation committee


Bid the full name of the candidate

Tender offer

Project manager


Construction period


Zhongzhaokun Engineering Group Co., LTD

Four hundred eighty-one thousand nine hundred fifty five cents(4,081,955.88)

Zhang Xiaoju


120Calendar day


Haohe Construction Group Co., LTD

Four hundred and ninety one thousand three hundred and fifty nine dollars land point(4,091,359.66)

Zhu Chuanxi


120Calendar day


Henan Yuyuan construction Engineering Co., LTD

Four hundred eighty-five thousand three hundred and eighty cents(4,085,360.86)

Liu Wentian


120Calendar day


Henan Taiya municipal garden engineering Co., LTD

Four hundred and ninety-three thousand three hundred and forty cents(4,093,360.04)

Wang Xinping


120Calendar day

4.2 Evaluation of candidate project managers

Bid the full name of the candidate




Certificate name




Zhongzhaokun Engineering Group Co., LTD

Project manager

Zhang Xiaoju

Builder's certificate



Municipal public works

Technical responsible person

Xu Shixia


Certificate of professional title


C2021094203 9900601468

Municipal public works

Full-time safety officer


Job certificate


Yu Jian 'an C320231542622


Quality controller

Li Yuhuan

Job certificate



Municipal public works

Construction worker

Ma Dongmin

Job certificate



Municipal public works


Li Yabing

Job certificate





Qu Huijie

Job certificate




Haohe Construction Group Co., LTD

Project manager

Zhu Chuanxi

Class II Registered Builder



Municipal public works

Technical responsible person






Municipal public works

Full-time security officer

Sun Yapeng


Full-time safety officer post certificate


Yu Jian 'anC3(2023)1418733


Construction worker

Guo Penghui


Construction worker's job certificate




Quality controller

Meng Yanli


Quality officer certificate







Material clerk certificate





Yan Xiaonan


Document clerk certificate




Henan Yuyuan construction Engineering Co., LTD

Project manager

Liu Wentian


Class II Registered Builder



Municipal engineering

Technical director

Ling Wenjing


Certificate of professional title



Municipal engineering

Quality controller

Kong Deyu


Job certificate



Municipal engineering

Safety officer

Li Yutian







Jiang Jinghui


Job certificate




Construction worker

Jiang Yazhong


Job certificate





Kong Deqiang


Job certificate




Henan Taiya municipal garden engineering Co., LTD

Project manager

Wang Xinping

Intermediate engineer

Registered Builder Certificate



Municipal public works

Project technical leader

Yang Lianzhong

Senior engineer

Certificate of professional title



Municipal engineering

Construction worker

Liu Jiaqi

Job certificate



Municipal engineering

Safety officer


Safety production assessment certificate


      C3(2023)233  5845

Quality controller

Li Zengjun

Job certificate



Municipal engineering


Wu Xiangxiang

Job certificate






Job certificate




Cost engineer


Certificate of professional title



Civil construction

4.3 Evaluation candidate business performance: None

4.4Finalizing candidates for project manager/Project Director Performance: None

4.5 Determine the qualifications of candidates to respond to the requirements of the bidding documents

4.5.1Qualifications required by the bidding documents




Bidder qualification ability and reputation

1Have the ability to independently bear civil liability (have a valid business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate or a business license after the combination of three certificates);

2The bidder shall have the third-level (including third-level) or above qualification of the municipal public works construction general contracting issued by the construction administrative department, have an effective safety production license, and have the corresponding construction capacity in terms of personnel, equipment and funds;

3The project manager to be dispatched by the bidder shall be qualified as a registered constructor of municipal public works at Grade II or above and have valid safety production assessment certificate, and shall not be replaced during the bidding and construction process without serving as the project manager of other projects under construction (make a written commitment);

4The technical person to be assigned by the bidder shall have the relevant professional intermediate or above technical title;

5Bidder to sendFull-time safety personnel have effective safety production assessment certificate;

6The bidder intends to assign a project manager, technical leader, authorized client, and other personnel (including but not limited to:Quality (quality inspection) personnel, full-time safety personnel, material personnel, information personnel, construction personnel, etc) Must be an employee of the unit, provide labor contracts and202411Any consecutive day since6Monthly social insurance payment certificate (newly hired personnel shall be counted from the date of employment, and the issuance time shall not be earlier than the announcement time)。

7Financial requirements:Financially sound, provided for nearly three years (2021年度、2022年度2023Annual audited financial report and the credit certificate issued by the basic depository bank within the validity period shall be issued. The newly established company shall be counted from the time of establishment。

8, reputation requirements:

8.1Before the bidding deadline of this project, those who are included in the record list of untrustworthy persons subject to enforcement, major tax law and untrustworthy subjects and government procurement serious illegal and untrustworthy behaviors (the penalty period has not expired) refuse to participate in the bidding activities of this project;The bidder shall use the website of "China Executive Information Disclosure Network" (http://zxgk.court.gov.cn/shixin/Query "trust-breaking person subject to enforcement" (query object: legal person, legal representative, project manager);"Credit China" website(www.creditchina.gov.cn)Query "major tax violation and dishonesty subject" (query object: legal person);China Government Procurement website(www.ccgp.gov.cn)Query the "government procurement serious illegal and dishonest behavior record list" channel to query their own credit records (query object: legal person);

8.2The bidder has been subject to bribery and unfair competition behavior in China Judgment Documents network (inquiry channel: China Judgment Documents network)http://wenshu.court.gov.cn/Its participation in the project bid (inquiry object: legal person, legal representative, project manager)。The bidder has blacklist and bad behavior (inquiry channel: National construction market supervision public service platform)http://jzsc.mohurd.gov.cn/Its participation in the project bid (inquiry object: legal person, project manager)。

The above query content provides webpage query screenshot (need to include the query date, the query date is after the date of the tender announcement);The tenderer shall have the right to review the credit of the bidder, and the tenderer shall have the right to cancel the qualification of winning the bid if any credit problem is found during the period from the registration to the signing of the contract with the tenderer;

9The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units with holding and management relations shall not participate in the bidding of the same tender section project (provide the relevant information queried in the "National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System");

10The project does not accept the bid of the consortium。

11Subcontracting and subcontracting are not allowed for this project。

11Subcontracting and subcontracting are not allowed for this project。

4.5.2Determine the qualifications and abilities of the candidates to respond to the requirements of the bidding documents


Bid the full name of the candidate

Response condition


Zhongzhaokun Engineering Group Co., LTD



Haohe Construction Group Co., LTD



Henan Yuyuan construction Engineering Co., LTD



Henan Taiya municipal garden engineering Co., LTD


4.6Circumstances and reasons for rejection of bid: None

4.7Comprehensive bid score of all bidders: none

4.8Technical bid score of all bidders: none

4.9Total score of all bidders: None

五、Other contents of publicity stipulated in the bidding documents:No such content

6. Publicity time:20240914日至20240919Day (3 working days)

Vii. Channels and methods for raising objections:

According to the BianPublic Administration Office (202013 The document stipulates that if the bidder has objections to the above results, it can raise objections to the tenderer on the public resources trading information network cable in Kaifeng City during the publicity period, and the overdue will no longer be accepted, and the tenderer should be from the date of receipt of the objection 3 Reply within days,If the objector still has objections to the reply or the tenderer fails to make a reply within the prescribed time, the objector may do so on the date of publicity 10 Within days (objection reply period does not count) in the Kaifeng public resources trading information network online complaint。(In the column of important documents on this website, there are text formats and requirements for objections and complaints of construction projects)。

8. Publishing media

This announcement is also in"China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform", "Henan Provincial Government Procurement Website", "Kaifeng Public Resources Transaction Information Network"Publish on...。

9. Contact Information:

Tenderer: Shawo Township People's Government of Qixian County

Address: Shabei Village, Shawo Township, Qixian County

Contact: Mr. Wang

Contact number:13839974226


Bidding Agency: Henan State Control Bidding Co., LTD

Add: Berlin Sunshine, Olive City, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Contact: Mr. Yang

Contact number:0371-55591552


Supervision unit: Qi County Government Procurement Office

Contact information:0371-28666979


All rights reserved:Kaifeng city public resources trading information networkHost: Kaifeng public resources trading information network
Address: Kaifeng City citizens home 5th floor 邮编:475000 Email: kfggzyjyzx2018@163.com Website record number:Yu ICP prepared No. 12001764-1

Technical support:Zhengzhou Xinyuan Information Technology Co., LTD