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He Shuheng life: not for a family promotion and wealth

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    He Shuheng life: not for a family promotion and wealth He Shuheng descendants: rely on labor to support oneself to adhere to the diligent family tradition

Xinhua Changsha, February 23He Shuheng life: not for a promotion to wealth He Shuheng descendants: rely on labor to support oneself to adhere to the diligent family style

Xinhua News Agency reporter Su Xiaozhou

"Absolutely can not be promoted to be rich for a stupid descendants!"This is the words that He Shuheng, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, left to posterity when he left his hometown in the white terror and resolutely joined the armed struggle。More than 70 years after He's death, this spirit still inspires his descendants: self-reliance, kindness, and hard work。

He Shuheng's hometown lies in a picturesque col in Changchong Village, Shatin, Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, far from the bustle of the world。As the younger generation of the revolutionary elders, He Shengming, He Guanghua, the great-grandson of He Shuheng sitting in front of the reporter, are simple and honest old farmers。Due to the long distance, He Shengming, He Guanghua and others can only feel the spiritual style of He Shuheng through the words in the letter home。The most impressive thing of his family is that after the "Ma Day Incident" occurred in Changsha in 1927, He Shuheng heard the news in Ningxiang, not only did not cringe and avoid, but also went straight to Changsha under the white terror with the courage to find the party organization。Soon, He Shuheng, who called himself a "forgetful guest", left for Moscow。In the meantime, he wrote a letter home to posterity: "I am definitely not supported by you, and I am definitely not from my family.。My view of life, is not to live in peace in the village for a good death, absolutely can not be a family promotion and wealth to the foolish children。Please pay attention to these words。These words, which still seem to be full of national pride and ambition, have become an important family training of He's family。

"We all rely on our own labor to support ourselves, and we must not discredit our predecessors!"He Shengming, who is over 60 years old, told reporters that he had been an underground miner and a steel worker and now lived in his hometown on a meager pension。Regarding his living situation, He Shengming said: "My two sons worked in Qingdao and Changsha respectively after graduating from university, got married and bought a house。As an ordinary person, I have no worries about food and clothing, and I live in peace。”

He Guanghua, a diminutive man who has been a family farmer all his life, is now in his late 60s and still working from place to place to make ends meet。Because of his poor family, He Guanghua's son dropped out of school early and went out to work for a living。Seeing the Spring Festival is over, the young man is busy looking for a job。The reporter noted that although the days were tight, He Guanghua's home was in good order, clean inside and out。As soon as the guests enter the house, He Guanghua's wife serves them homemade green tea in clean white porcelain bowls。The old and young smile warmly, writing full of simplicity and kindness。

Zhang Xiaolin, director of Ningxiang County Cultural Relics Bureau, took the reporter to walk in the countryside, and you could see the ruins of the school that He Shuheng and his ancestors donated, and the covered Bridges that are still in use today。With mud brick walls, mud mixed with rice husks and a roof covered with green tiles, He Shuheng's former residence is a typical southern rural residence in the 19th century。

Zhang Xiaolin said that the former residence of He Shuheng is currently protected by the cultural relics department and is an important patriotic education base。The reporter opened the message book placed on the wooden bench in the corner of the hall of the former residence and found that visitors and comments came from all over the country, Chinese, English, Russian and other languages written messages。Between the lines, all the memory and reverence for He Shuheng。

Around the former residence of He Shuheng, every tree and grass has witnessed the history of the Chinese revolution。The hall of his house was where He Shuheng and Xie Juezai, Jiang Mengzhou, Wang Lingbo and other revolutionary sages often met。In front of the former residence of He Shuheng, a small pond ripples with clear waves。张筱林告诉记者,1917年7月,何叔衡在家中盛情款待了来此游历的毛泽东和肖子升3天。时值盛夏,酷爱游泳的毛泽东几乎天天都要跳进这个池塘畅游一番。The hill on the east side of He Shuheng's former residence is the tomb of He Shuheng, the founder of the Revolution of 1911, He Nanxun (also known as He Zilin)。Double-layer "mountain" -shaped tomb, stone figures and stone horses stand on both sides of the tomb path, granite figures on the parapets are exquisite, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen inscribed "South Xun Commander for the country through the ages" tombstone, which adds solemnness and solemnness to the grey cemetery。

Looking at the beautiful cement road to the entrance of the village, gravel road to the door of the house, He Shengming, He Guanghua believe that the future will pass the better。 “再过几年,我们这里就是标准的社会主义新农村啦!” 何盛明说,今天的生活是靠先辈们舍生忘死创造的。The He family should carry forward the spirit of He Shuheng's "giving up the small family for the country", not only to arrange their own lives, but also to speak of style, contribution, enthusiasm to help the villagers, and try their best to support rural public welfare undertakings。(完)


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