Culture of clean government

The sheep that hangs the fish in the court

Release time: 2024-09-23 15:02:48 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network


    Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the Ping three years (AD 186) Yang continued to serve as the Nanyang governor。At that time, the upper class was corrupt, and gifts and bribes were prevalent。Sheep continued to be honest and incorruptible, which is deeply hated。After he took office, he decided to change the atmosphere and get rid of the malpractices。
    Nanyang county has a government cheng (status second only to Taishou), always want to give Taishou sheep continued gifts, a long time did not find the opportunity。Later, the government cheng learned that the son of the sheep continued to do a wedding, thought too shou will be a big banquet guests, this is a great opportunity for gifts。So, he hurried to the market, bought two big carp, and decorated it with the "Xi" word formed by colored flowers and ribbons, and sent it to the sheep's home on the happy day。Sheep continued declined: "Thank you for your presence!Just because the child is married and does not invite guests, the gift will not be accepted。"However, the government cheng thought that this was just polite, just put down the gift and turned away。The sheep continued to meditate for a moment, then called his family and hung the two big carp high in the court, allowing no one to touch it。
    After half a year, sheep continued 45 years old birthday, the government cheng sent some fresh fish。The sheep continued to ask him to stay, led him to see the two carp hanging on the living room, and then said to him: "I have always hated people taking advantage of the opportunity of family weddings to collect gifts to fill their own pockets.。At the same time banquet guests, Kua guan dou rich, show off the door。In my opinion, corrupt morals are born from this。Yang continued: "As a state official, food and clothing to the people, but not the right way, not a pure official ah!"
    The government cheng heard very ashamed, from now on no longer dare to door-to-door gifts。The story spread far and wide and had a great influence among the officials。
Sheep continue to resist corruption, starting from themselves。Meticulous, has played a positive role in reversing the social atmosphere of Namyang County。The local people supported him and called him the "overhang of fish".。
    Yang continued died at the age of 48, "last words thin coffin", asked the family to do the funeral thrifty, but also not allowed to accept others for this gift, gift。So, many years after his death, people still remember him。Fan Ye, the author of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, wrote a biography for Yang, describing his honesty and honesty。Yang continued's deeds spread for thousands of years, inspiring future generations。Yu Qian, a Qing official in the Ming Dynasty, took Yang Xu as a model and praised him with the lines of "lying in the south window while reading a few volumes of books on the bed.。(Author anonymous)


From: Shi Yuan Tuying

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