Culture of clean government


Release time: 2024-09-13 13:41:39 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network



    □ 林 伟

  During the Spring Festival, it is understandable that people walk around to connect with each other。However, I do not know when, some people with a certain purpose often use the end of the year, carrying carefully prepared "New Year goods" to walk to the home of leading cadres, so that you are "warm".。Those corrupt officials in prison in confession, also all use "warm but hard" and "disrespectful" to justify their bribery behavior。

  So, how to do "people disease I prevent", "hospitality can but"?Let us take a look at how the older generation of revolutionaries refused gifts。

  毛泽东拒礼法:湖北蕲春县有座海拔1244米的高山,名叫云丹山。A kind of high-quality rice called "water grape" is abundant near the foothills。The rice made with it is white and bright, soft and delicious, fragrant, and nutrient-rich。Because the production is very small  only a few hundred kilograms per year, since the Tang and Song dynasties, it has been prescribed as a tribute rice that only the royal family can enjoy。After liberation, the local peasants turned over and divided the land。为感谢毛主席,当地农民于1951年10月把刚刚收到手的“水葡萄”米包了50斤,寄往中南海,送给毛主席。没有想到,一个多月后,他们竟收到毛主席委托中央办公厅寄来的汇款和一封令人感动的信。The letter said: "Send the money, do not send any material to the central leaders in the future, this is not allowed by our party discipline.。”

  Zhou Enlai's refusal of gifts Law: In Zhou Enlai's former residence in Huai 'an, Jiangsu Province, on January 16, 1961, Zhou Enlai instructed his office comrades to write a letter to the Huaian County Party Committee。The letter read: "The lotus root flour, lotus seeds, sanzi, handicrafts and knitwear sent by your county to Premier Zhou and Sister Deng have all been received。They know your love and care for Premier Zhou, but Premier Zhou and Sister Deng think it is wrong for you to do so in the face of repeated orders from the Central authorities not to give gifts。Now the Premier and Sister Deng will send you 100 yuan from their salaries to pay for lotus root powder, lotus seeds, sangzi and handicrafts. People will bring you some other knitgoods later。The Premier has also instructed that we send you a copy of the Central Government's notice on the prohibition of treating guests and giving gifts. Please study it carefully and strictly implement it。The letter was less than two hundred words, but it meant a lot。

  Chen Yun refused the ceremony: Once, Chen Yun had just finished his official duties in a city and was preparing to return to Beijing by train。Local cadres saw that Chen Yun was busy talking here all day, going deep into the grassroots to understand the situation, while insisting on low standards in life, it was very hard。As a token of respect, we finally decided to take some things on the train。Since it had long been heard that Chen Yun's refusal to accept gifts was "non-negotiable," he only brought two old hens and some vegetables。Chen Yun and his party know nothing about this。Not until the train was about to leave did Secretary Xiao Huaguang learn about it。Xiao Huaguang politely ask them to take things back。But local leaders were adamant, saying it was nothing。Xiao Huaguang will make a report to Chen Yun, and suggested that the other party is so kind, it is better to buy these things according to the market price, and does not violate the rules。Chen Yun listened to the report in detail and said decisively: "This precedent cannot be set, there will be a second time, and it will not be stopped later.。Or ask them to take the things back, and tell them that I accept their wishes, but I cannot accept the things。”

  In the author's opinion,These three Little Things,除了反映出的毛泽东、周恩来、陈云的清廉风格值得我们称道和提倡之外,It shows the art of "refusing gifts",It is also worth our leading cadres to chew and taste for a long time,Practice by example,Be strict with yourself,Close of the year to tighten the "clean customs",It really starts with me,Look up to me,Build strong lines of defense against rot and change。

From: Guangming net

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